Let me start this by saying that I never, ever give money away- no matter how good the cause. Call me selfish, but I just don't. Except now. I don't
even have any money in my bank account so I'm charging it - and it is so worth it.

Emily Liden is an amazing human. She has posted her 6th grade diary for the world to see (I only read 5 or 6 entries before I tore myself away to write this) and it is amazing. It is a perfect picture into her world of slut-shaming before the term even existed. Even if you don't donate, I strongly encourage you to check it out.
Slut-shaming is deadly, it destroys young girls and women and forces them to believe the untrue. You can do your part in a few ways.
1.) Stop calling people sluts. Even the ones who you think deserve the name. Maybe they just really like to have sex. And maybe you're just jealous. OR MAYBE THEY AREN'T HAVING SEX AT ALL. Slut, just like "retarded" and "gay" are words that are severely misused out of their proper context and are given a derogatory meaning. Use your words people, if you want to call her ugly, call her ugly*. Don't mistake that word for slut. If you want to actually say that you're envious that she is receiving attention from a male you find attractive, then own it. Don't call her a slut because he didn't call you instead.
2.) Don't confuse sexual assault/rape with "slut" behavior. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE IS ANYONE EVER ASKING FOR UNWANTED SEXUAL CONTACT.
2a.) Not because she is drunk.
2b.) Not because she has had sex with you in the past.
2c.) Not because she had sex with your friend in the past.
2d.) Not because her skirt doesn't reach her knees.
2e.) Not because she is walking home alone at night.
2f.) Not because you two spend a lot of time together and you have the hots for her but she just thinks your friends and that makes you mad.
2g.) Not for any other reason I failed to mention.
3.) Call people out when you see it happening - whether it is physical or verbal.
WHY. |
So much slut shaming is girl on girl. And that has to stop.
I could go on forever about how this destroys souls & ruins lives. So much so that young girls are killing themselves over the "shame". Reteah Parsons & Audrie Pott are two names that come instantly to my mind. Maybe you think I'm being explosive and dramatic, and maybe I am. Maybe you remember being called a slut in the hallways, not even having your first kiss and hearing an ugly sexual rumor about yourself... and you survived, right?
But if you sit very still and very quiet- can you remember that burn? The humiliation of finding out what a certain sexual act was because someone said that you had done it? Remember how you got teased for being a virgin... and for losing your virginity?
Would you really wish that on someone else?
Now, if you're my age (or older) the worst we had to deal with was hallway gossip for the most part. It wasn't until my last year or so of high school that the internet became a handy place to hate on someone. Now it is the most appealing place to hate on someone, and it isn't ok. This isn't Social Media, it is Social Terrorism. And it needs to stop. And it can only stop through education. Through me telling you, and you telling som eone else, and them telling another one until finally we all understand. And then maybe someday someone will see a drunk girl in a short skirt walking home alone at night and instead of rolling their eyes and calling her a slut - or worse, making a physical move on her, just walking a few steps closer to her, just to make sure she is ok.
Because wouldn't you want someone to make sure you were ok?
This photo basically sums everything up. I know I quote it constantly, but there is really no better way to say it.
If I accomplish nothing else in this lifetime, I would like to make the world a place where one woman could count on another. Like we would have some bizarre sisterhood (no pants, please), and would know when to help a sista out, when to stand up for her, and when to protect her. That's the world I'd like to create for my daughter someday. Wouldn't you?
*I do not promote calling people ugly, I am merely saying that if you are going to use a derogatory remark, at least use the proper one for the context.